Monday, June 28, 2010

Carbondale to... Carbondale

We stayed today, so we took our time getting going to the bike shop, using the library to look at warm showers hosts and checking out the mini-farmer's market, where of course, Sara met someone she was affiliated with via Thailand connections.
We did laundry, which included washing the cheese oil off my tent, then Bill got an extreme makeover haircut, while I checked out the natural food market and satisfied my chocolate fix. That store gave me a coupon for a coffee at the coffee house, so of course we got desserts there to selflessly help out that business.
A trip to goodwill for a tan enhancing shirt, some restless R&R (at least on my part), the retrieval of the bikes and dinner at the swanky Chinese restaurant next to the hotel did me in. What an exhausting day off.
Sara returned from her carousing with her friend Carol (remember the farmer's market?) and Carol sweetly sent dinner for us. Very yummy and vegetarian to boot. I ate my share for breakfast!

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